EVOO is a basic and essential product in the Mediterranean diet. Many studies show the BENEFITS and PROPERTIES of Extra Virgin Olive Oil for the health. However, there are two recurrent questions among the users, especially when they start to take care of their food. How many calories does olive oil have? And worse still. Does olive oil make you fat?


There are three types of essential nutrients in food: fats, carbohydrates and proteins. These last two are very different from each other, but share their energy value: each gram contributes 4 kcal of energy to the organism. As for fats, their energy value is the double than the other two nutrients. It contributes 9 kcal for each gram consumed. The energy value of the food will depend on the concentration of these three nutrients.

There are three types of essential nutrients in food: fats, carbohydrates and proteins. These last two are very different from each other, but share their energy value: each gram contributes 4 kcal of energy to the organism. As for fats, their energy value is the double than the other two nutrients. It contributes 9 kcal for each gram consumed. The energy value of the food will depend on the concentration of these three nutrients.

So, what is the energy value of olive oil? The truth is that this question has an easy answer. The olive oil is composed in its 93.3% by fats. Therefore, its energetic value is very similar to that of lipids. Each gram of olive oil contributes approximately 8’85 kcal. Or what is the same, each 100 grams of EVOO produces 885 kcal of energy. MORE THAN DOUBLE THAN PROTEINS AND CARBOHYDRATES!

100g Carbohydrates 100g Proteins 100g Olive Oil Tablespoon (15ml)
400 kcal
885 kcal
132.75 kcal


But, if olive oil has so many calories, then why is its use recommended, even when trying to lose weight?

The truth is that olive oil is a product that is usually used in small quantities. A tablespoon of olive oil on toasts, like dressing a salad… The calories of 1 tbsp of olive oil are 88.5 kcal. Many diets recommend 2 tablespoons of olive oil a day, which would mean a caloric intake of 177 kcal. However, olive oil has some benefits that definitely tip the balance towards its use in slimming diets.


aceite calorias

This affirmation is a half-truth. The high caloric intake of fats produces a feeling of fullness in a shorter time than other nutrients such as proteins and carbohydrates. This satiating effect of olive oil means that, on the one hand, it makes us “being full” faster. And on the other hand, it quiets the appetite for a longer time until we feel hungry again. This last point is due to the speed with which the body digests olive oil, and is closely related to the next point.


The glycaemic index of foods measures the glycaemic response of the body to the carbohydrates of a food. Simplifying is the speed at which the body absorbs the sugars in food. The faster absorption of sugars, the greater the secretion of insulin from the body. And one of the functions of insulin is the storage of fats in our body.  A counterproductive process for anyone who is on a weight loss diet. However, we have good news… Olive Oil HAS NOT GLYCAEMIC INDEX!! This means that it doesn´t increase the blood sugar level. But also It is proven that mixing foods with olive oil reduces the glycaemic index of this foods and therefore the speed of absorption of sugars, insulin spikes and, finally, the storage of fat.


In addition to the numerous health benefits, in this post we have focused on the calories of extra virgin olive oil and its real caloric contribution to our body.

Therefore, we can conclude that extra virgin olive oil should be a basic product in the diet of all people, whether or not they are in a period of weight loss.

As the quantities are used according to the recommendations of the specialists, the nutritional and caloric contribution of the EVOO, and its qualities and benefits, make its use indicated for all types of diets.

Above all, if you love eating both healthy and delicious.